British Columbia provincial credit
Logging tax credit
Provincial tax credit => Logging tax credit
BC tax reduction
Caluclated automatically based on your income
Political contribution tax credit
Provincial tax credit => BC Political, ESOP and MFSC tax credit
Employee investment tax credit
Provincial tax credit => BC Political, ESOP and MFSC tax credit
Mining flow-through share tax credit (T1231)
- Current year eligible expenses are collected from T5013 and T101 slip;
Unused MFTS tax credit (T1231) from last year:
Provincial tax credit => BC Political, ESOP and MFSC tax credit
- Unused credit for carryback: after initial calculate, enter at page:
Miscellaneous numbers => BC MFTS tax credit(T1231) carry back
Venture capital tax credit
Provincial tax credit => Venture capital tax credit
Mining Exploration Tax Credit (T88 and 1249)
Provincial tax credit => T88: BC mining exploration
British Columbia training tax credit for individuals
Provincial tax credit => Training tax credit for individuals
British Columbia training tax credit for employers
Provincial tax credit => Training tax credit for employers
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