Prince Edward Island provincial credit
Amount for young children (5823/6372)
Provincial Tax & Credit => Claim young children amount
If you were married / living common-law, the software has to let the person with lower net income make this claim, though both spouses can see and change the information.
Low income tax reduction
- If eligible, register the claim at page: Account & Personnel => Tax Situation
And enter your dependant children number at page: Province tax & credit => Claim Low income tax reduction
- If you were married or living common-law, the claim is considered for both of you. Then you need to confirm your spouse was in prison or not in 2016 at the above page.
Enter unused low income tax reduction from spouse
For coupled returns,the unused amount will transferred automatically.
Otherwise, follow the steps below:
- Make sure your marital status is married/living common law;
- At page "Account & Personnel => Tax Situation", make sure you do NOT make the initial claim;
- You will see a link "Unused tax reduction from spouse" under section "Province tax credit", click and enter the amount.
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