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Forms Supported by Tax Chopper for 2018 Tax Year
Tax Chopper supports most forms accepted by NETFILE, for example, T1 for all provinces, non-incorporated businesses (including rental) income.
Here is the list:
T1 General and Federal Schedules
T1Income Tax and Benefit Return, for all provinces
Schedule 1Federal Tax
Schedule 2Federal Amounts Transferred From Your Spouse or Common-law Partner
Schedule 3Capital Gains (or Losses) in 2018
Schedule 5Amounts for Spouse or Common-Law Partner and Dependants
Schedule 6Working Income Tax Benefit
Schedule 7RRSP Unused Contributions, Transfers, and HBP or LLP Activities
Schedule 8CPP/QPP Contributions on Self-Employment and Other Earnings
Schedule 9Donations and Gifts
Schedule 10Quebec - Employment Insurance (EI) and Provincial Parental Insurance Plan (PPIP) Premiums
Schedule 11Federal Tuition and Education Amounts
Schedule 13Employment Insurance Premiums on Self-Employment and Other Eligible Earnings
Schedule 14Climate Action Incentive - for ON, SK, MB and NB only
RC62Universal Child Care Benefit
RC210Working Income Tax Benefit advance payments statement
RL-1Relevé 1 - Employment and other income
RL-2Relevé 2 - Retirement and annuity income
T101Statement of Resource Expense
T2202 / T2202ATuition and Education Amounts Certificate
T3Statement of Trust Income Allocations and Designations
T4Statement of Remuneration Paid
T4AStatement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity and Other Income
T4A(OAS)Statement of Old Age Security
T4A(P)Statement of Canada Pension Plan Benefits
T4A - RCAStatement of distributions from a Retirement Compensation Arrangement (RCA)
T4EStatement of Employment Insurance Benefits
T4PSStatement of Employee Profit-Sharing Plan Allocations and Payments
T4RIFStatement of Income From a Registered Retirement Income Fund
T4RSPStatement of Registered Retirement Savings Plan Income
T5Statement of Investment Income
T5003Statement of Tax Shelter Information
T5007Statement of Benefits
T5013Statement of Partnership Income (new and old versions)
CPT20Election to Pay CANADA Pension Plan Contributions
CPT30Election to Stop Contributing to the Canada Pension Plan, or Revocation of a Prior Election
GST370Employee and Partner GST/HST Rebate Application
RC267Contributions to a United States Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plan
RC268Contributions to a United States Retirement Plan by a Commuter from Canada
RC269Contributions to a Foreign Employer-Sponsored Pension Plan or to a Social Security Arrangement (other than a United States Arrangement)
RC359Tax on excess employee profit sharing plan amounts
RC381Inter-provincial calculation for CPP and QPP contributions and overpayments
RC383Tax-exempt Earned Income Information for a Pooled Registered Pension Plan
T1ARequest for Loss Carryback
T1-MMoving Expenses Deduction
T657Calculation of Capital Gains Deductions
T691Alternative Minimum Tax
T776Statement of Real Estate Rentals
T777Statement of Employment Expenses
T778Child Care Expenses Deduction
T929Attendant Care Expenses
T936Calculation of Cumulative Net Investment Loss (CNIL) to December 31, 2018
T1013Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative
T1032Joint Election to Split Pension Income
T1135Foreign Income Verification Statement
T1139Reconciliation of 2018 Business Income for Tax Purposes
T1163STATEMENT A - AgriStability and AgriInvest Programs Information and Statement of Farming Activities for Individuals
T1164STATEMENT B - AgriStability and AgriInvest Programs Information and Statement of Farming Activities for Additional Farming Operations
T1170Capital Gains on Gifts of Certain Capital Property
T1172Additional Tax on Accumulated Income Payments from RESPs
T1175Farming - Calculation of Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) and Business-use-of-home Expenses
T1198Statement of Qualifying Retroactive Lump-Sum Payment
T1206Tax on Split Income
T1212Statement of Deferred Stock Option Benefits
T1223Clergy Residence Deduction
T1229Statement of Exploration and Development Expenses and Depletion Allowance
T1273Statement A Harmonized AgriStability and AgriInvest Programs Information and Statement of Farming Activities for Individuals
T1274Statement B Harmonized AgriStability and AgriInvest Programs Information and Statement of Farming Activities for Additional Farming Operations
T2017Summary of Reserves on Dispositions of Capital Property
T2036Provincial or Territorial foreign Tax Credit
T2038(IND)Investment Tax Credit (Individuals)
T2042Statement of Farming Activities
T2121Statement of Fishing Activities
T2125Statement of Business or Professional Activities
T2204Employee Overpayment of Employment Insurance Premiums
T2205Amounts from a Spousal or Common-law Partner RRSP or RRIF to Include in Income
T2209Federal Foreign Tax Credits
T2222Northern Residents Deductions
T5004Claim for Tax Shelter Loss or Deduction
TL2Claim for Meals and Lodging Expenses
AB428Alberta Tax and Credits
Schedule AB(S2)Provincial Amounts Transferred From Your Spouse or Common-law Partner (AB)
Schedule AB(S11)Provincial Tuition and Education Amounts (AB)
British Columbia
BC428British Columbia Tax
BC479British Columbia Credits
Schedule BC(S2)Provincial Amounts Transferred From Your Spouse or Common-law Partner (BC)
Schedule BC(S11)Provincial Tuition and Education Amounts (BC)
Schedule BC(S12)British Columbia Seniors Home Renovation Tax Credit
T88BC Mining Exploration Tax Credit (Individuals)
T1014British Columbia Training Tax Credit (Individuals)
T1014-1British Columbia Training Tax Credit (Employers)
T1014-2T1014-2 British Columbia Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry Tax Credit (Employers)
T1231BC Mining Flow-Through Share Tax Credit
T1249British Columbia Mining Exploration Tax Credit Partnership Schedule
MB428Manitoba Tax
MB479Manitoba Credits
Schedule MB(S2)Provincial Amounts Transferred From Your Spouse or Common-law Partner (MB)
Schedule MB(S11)Provincial Tuition and Education Amounts (MB)
T1241Manitoba Mineral Exploration Tax Credit
T1256Manitoba Community Enterprise Development Tax Credit
T1256-1Manitoba Small Business Venture Capital Tax Credit (Individuals)
T1256-2Manitoba Employee Share Purchase Tax Credit
T1299Manitoba Book Publishing Tax Credit
New Brunswick
NB428New Brunswick Tax
Schedule NB(S2)Provincial Amounts Transferred From Your Spouse or Common-law Partner (NB)
Schedule NB(S11)Provincial Tuition and Education Amounts (NB)
T1258New Brunswick Small Business Investor Tax Credit
Newfoundland and Labrador
NL428Newfoundland Tax and Credits
Schedule NL(S2)Provincial Amounts Transferred From Your Spouse or Common-law Partner (NL)
Schedule NL(S11)Provincial Tuition and Education Amounts (NL)
T1272Newfoundland and Labrador Direct Equity Tax Credit
T1297Newfoundland and Labrador Resort Property Investment Tax Credit
Nova Scotia
NS428Nova Scotia Tax
Schedule NS(S2)Provincial Amounts Transferred From Your Spouse or Common-law Partner (NS)
Schedule NS(S11)Provincial Tuition and Education Amounts (NS)
T1285Nova Scotia Direct Equity Tax Credit
Northwest Territories
NT428Northwest Territories Tax and Credits
NT479Northwest Territories Credits
Schedule NT(S2)Territorial Amounts Transferred From Your Spouse or Common-law Partner (NT)
Schedule NT(S11)Territorial Tuition and Education Amounts (NT)
NU428Nunavut Tax
NU479Nunavut Tax and Credits
Schedule NU(S2)Territorial Amounts Transferred From Your Spouse or Common-law Partner (NU)
Schedule NU(S11)Territorial Tuition and Education Amounts (NU)
ON428Ontario Tax
ON479Ontario Credits
ON-BENApplication for the 2019 Ontario Trillium Benefit and the Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant
Schedule ON(S2)Provincial Amounts Transferred From Your Spouse or Common-law Partner (ON)
Schedule ON(S11)Provincial Tuition and Education Amounts (ON)
T1221Ontario Focused Flow-Through Share Resource Expenses
Prince Edward Island
PE428Prince Edward Island Tax and Credits
Schedule PE(S2)Provincial Amounts Transferred From Your Spouse or Common-law Partner (PE)
Schedule PE(S11)Provincial Tuition and Education Amounts (PE)
SK428Saskatchewan Income Tax and Credits
SK479Saskatchewan Credits
Schedule SK(S2)Provincial Amounts Transferred From Your Spouse or Common-law Partner (SK)
Schedule SK(S11)Provincial Tuition and Education Amounts (SK)
T1237Saskatchewan Farm And Small Business Capital Gains Tax Credit
T1284Saskatchewan Employee's Tools Tax Credit
RC360Saskatchewan Graduate Retention Program
YT428Yukon Tax
YT479Yukon Credits
YT432Yukon First Nations Tax
Schedule YT(S2)Territorial Amounts Transferred From Your Spouse or Common-law Partner (YT)
Schedule YT(S11)Territorial Tuition and Education Amounts (YT)
T1232Yukon Research and Development Tax Credit (Individuals)
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