What's New For Tax Year 2013?
Now you can file your return on the fly.
This year CRA allows automatic return transmission from our server. This makes tax filing much easier for those
who are not familiar with computers - no more struggle with downloading, locating or uploading. A return can be sent as easy as
three clicks.
You can prepare and file your return from any device - a computer, tablet or just smart phone.
Tax law changes that affect most taxpayers:
- Adoption expenses
For adoptions finalized in 2013 and subsequent years, the adoption period has been extended.
For details, check the CRA website here.
- Donations and gifts:
From 2013 to 2017, you may be able to claim an additional first-time donor's super credit, which is 25% of your eligible first time donations (up to $1,000).
For details, check the CRA website here.
Provincial Changes
- For British Columbia residents
The BC sales tax credit has been re-introduced effective for the 2013 and future tax years. The maximum annual tax credit
will be $75 per adult. The maximum credit will be reduced by 2% of family net income over $15,000 for single individuals
and over $18,000 for those who have a spouse or common-law partner.
- For Ontario residents
You can now elect to receive your 2014 Ontario trillium benefit in one payment in June 2015 instead of receiving it monthly from
July 2014 to June 2015.
Other Highlights
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